Decentralized Basic Income: Creating Wealth with On-Chain Staking and Fixed-Rate Protocols
When someone deposits $ONE into the platform, they will send $ONE and receive in exchange another coin ($ubONE)
Similarly, when some withdraws, they will send $ubONE and receive back $ONE
As time goes by, the amount of $ubONE will increase based on the interest rates
Based on this, the user interface should at anytime show the interest rate (APR%,) the amount of (undeposited) $ONE available in the user's connected wallet, the current amount of the deposited $ONEs and the number of $ubONE in the users wallet
Users enter the web app and connect their metamask wallet
Once connected they should see their current balance in $ONE and decide how much they want to deposit for Fixed Income and type it in a field
Once typed the amount to be deposit, a button "Deposit" should be clicked and the deposit will come through
Users enter the web app and connect their metamask wallet
Once connected they should see their current balance in $ubONE and decide how much they want to withdraw and type it in a field
Once typed the amount to be deposit, a button "Withdraw" should be clicked and the withdraw will be processed